Leadmine Mountain Loop via Mountain Laurel and Cow Stile trails
- Distance: 3.3 mi
- Elevation gain: 308 ft
- Maximum elevation: 938 ft
- Elevation loss: 302 ft
- Minimum elevation: 738 ft
- Moving time: 1 h 30 m
- Moving speed: 2.2 mph
- Maximum speed: 7.6 mph
- Total time: 1 h 31 m
- Global speed: 2.2 mph
Interactive trail map
Trail profile
About this trail
Name: Leadmine Mountain Loop via Mountain Laurel and Cow Stile trails trail, distance, elevation, map, profile, GPS track
Coordinates: 42.08805 -72.11333 42.10278 -72.10243
Topography: Worcester County topographic map, elevation, terrain